Steps to Borrowing an Exhibit

STEP ONE: Look at this web site to get a clear idea about the project.

STEP TWO: Contact us by phone at (413) 584-0068 or by e-mail at

STEP THREE: Through conversation, or an exchange of e-mail, we can agree on the focus of the exhibit. Past exhibits have highlighted:

STEP FOUR: We agree on a borrower's fee. This is flexible, and depends upon the borrower's ability to pay, or raise money for the expenses connected with the exhibit. We can discuss how support for this project can be generated in your community.

STEP FIVE: We settle on the dates, and a contract is signed by the borrower and the Project Coordinator.

What does the project provide in addition to the exhibit?

The Project can provide any of the following:


Sponsoring a Talk in Conjunction with the Exhibit

If you are interested in having Claudia Lefko talk about the exhibit and the issues involved in our ongoing conflict with Iraq, it will be arranged separately. Fees are negotiable.

What Do the Borrowers Need to Do?
